Results for 'Adolfo Etchegaray Cruz'

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  1. Homenaje a Luis Vives: ponencias leídas en el VI Congreso Internacional de Estudios Clásicos, celebrado en Madrid del 2 al 6 de septiembre de 1974.Juan Luis Vives & Pedro Sáinz Rodríguez (eds.) - 1977 - Madrid: Fundación Universitaria Española, Seminario Nebrija.
    Sainz Rodríguez, P. Luis Vives y el Renacimiento en España.--Fontan, A. El latín de Luis Vives.--Jiménez Delgado, J. Nueves aportaciones al epistolario de Juan Luis Vives.--Swift, L. J. Somnium vivis y el Sueño de Escipión.--Etchegaray Cruz, A. Juan Vives, según Erasmo de Rotterdam.--Argudo Sánchez, F. Vives y el humanismo ciceroniano.
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  2. La estructura lógica de la teoría del valor trabajo.Adolfo García de la Sienra - 2012 - Critica 44 (130):69-95.
    La finalidad de este artículo es proveer una reconstrucción lógica del elemento teórico básico de la teoría del valor trabajo desde la perspectiva de la metateoría estructuralista. Las metas son esbozar con alguna precisión la ley fundamental de la teoría �la ley del valor� así como la aserción empírica.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Family Business in Spain.María de la Cruz Déniz Déniz & Ma Katiuska Cabrera Suárez - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1):27 - 41.
    Despite the economic relevance and distinctiveness of family firms, little attention has been devoted to researching their nature and functioning. Traditionally, family firms have been associated both to positive and negative features in their relationships with the stakeholders. This can be linked to different orientations toward corporate social responsibility. Thus, this research aims to identify the approaches that Spanish family firms maintain about social responsibility, based on the model developed by Quazi and O' Brien Journal of Business Ethics 25, 33-51 (...)
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    The Evolution of Virtual Concept of Education: Analysis of the Revealed Preferences and Digital Challenges.Roberto Adolfo Díaz Díaz, Dagoberto Valencia Ortiz & José Alejandro Verá Calderón - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:109-120.
    Distance education offers flexibility and accessibility to students with diverse needs and contexts. However, it is crucial to understand the factors that motivate students to choose this educational modality, especially in programs like Public Accounting, which require specific skills. The general objective of this article is to analyze the determinants in the decision to study the Public Accounting Program in a distance or virtual modality at the National Open and Distance University (UNAD). A mixed methodology is employed, supported by authors (...)
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    Práticas Letradas Seiscentistas.João Adolfo Hansen - 1995 - Discurso 25:153-184.
    O fim do texto é a discussão histórica de práticas de representação italianas, espanholas e luso-brasileiras do século XVII hoje anacronicamente unificadas como “Barroco". Analisa modelos teológico-políticos e retóricos da agudeza que caracteriza a racionalidade de Corte dramatizada nelas, particularizando a análise com EI Díscreto, de Baltazar Gracián.
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    mirada al Japón de principios del siglo XVII a través de los manuscritos de Rodrigo de Vivero y Sebastián Vizcaíno.Adolfo Jesús Martínez Roy - 2020 - Studium 25.
    Durante la presencia española en el sudeste asiático se mantuvieron contactos con otros países de su entorno. Uno de ellos fue Japón. El archipiélago nipón cambió de dirigente tras la batalla de Sekigahara, estableciéndose tras ella una nueva dinastía que dirigiría al país hasta 1868, la familia Tokugawa. En los primeros años de este gobierno las relaciones con los españoles fueron cambiantes, pasando de una situación favorable a terminar rompiéndose. Es en esos primeros años se hallan Rodrigo de Vivero y (...)
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    Qué es la ontología.Juan Adolfo Vázquez - 1964 - [Buenos Aire]: Editorial Columba.
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    Neural Representations Beyond “Plus X”.Vivian Cruz & Alessio Plebe - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):93-117.
    In this paper we defend structural representations, more specifically neural structural representation. We are not alone in this, many are currently engaged in this endeavor. The direction we take, however, diverges from the main road, a road paved by the mathematical theory of measure that, in the 1970s, established homomorphism as the way to map empirical domains of things in the world to the codomain of numbers. By adopting the mind as codomain, this mapping became a boon for all those (...)
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    Escuela y familia en la configuración de resiliencia de jóvenes.Miriam De la Cruz Reyes & Selene Muñoz Velazquez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (1):1-9.
    En este documento se parte de la resiliencia como componente que influye de manera positiva para el éxito escolar, se describen los elementos que la configuran, y se discuten con los rasgos particulares de jóvenes que asisten a una escuela secundaria inserta en un contexto considerado de alto riesgo social en México. Se trata de un trabajo cualitativo de perspectiva fenomenológica. El análisis de los datos permitió identificar que los estudiantes responden positivamente a algunos de los atributos que se necesitan (...)
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    Epistemología del tiempo.Gustavo Adolfo Gómez Hernández - 2013 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 3 (6):12-23.
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  11. Forschung.Vittorio Klos & Uc Santa Cruz - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 45.
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  12. Rostros del autoritarismo. Mecanismos de control en la sociedad global - Carlos Fajardo Fajardo LE MONDE Diplomatique, Edición Colombia, Bogotá, 2010.Fernando Cruz Kronfly - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 18:115-117.
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    Fílosofía a la intemperie.Adolfo Muñoz Alonso - 1973 - Madrid,: Organización Sala Editorial.
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    El movimiento filosófico de Gallarate.Adolfo Muñoz Alonso - 1957 - Augustinus 2 (5):77-87.
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  15. La filosofía como hecho histórico y la prospectividad de la filosofía.J. Adolfo Arias - 1991 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 6 (2):377.
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    El imaginario de Valparaíso a mediados del siglo XX en Sabadomingo, novela de Juan Uribe,y en De carne y sueño, memorias de Alfredo González.Adolfo de Nordenflycht - 2009 - Aisthesis 45.
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  17. Corporate social responsibility and family business in Spain.María la Cruz Déniz Dénidez & Ma Katiuska Cabrera Suárez - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1).
    Despite the economic relevance and distinctiveness of family firms, little attention has been devoted to researching their nature and functioning. Traditionally, family firms have been associated both to positive and negative features in their relationships with the stakeholders. This can be linked to different orientations toward corporate social responsibility. Thus, this research aims to identify the approaches that Spanish family firms maintain about social responsibility, based on the model developed by Quazi and O Brien Journal of Business Ethics 25, 33–51 (...)
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    El patrimonio cultural como factor de desarrollo turístico: estudio de caso en la ciudad de Córdoba.Francisco González Santa Cruz & Tomás López-Guzmán - 2017 - Arbor 193 (786):421.
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    Scotus’s Interpretation of Metaphysics 9.2.Cruz González-Ayesta - 2007 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 81:217-230.
    The aim of this paper is to explain Scotus’s transformation of the Aristotelian view on the difference between rational and irrational potencies. In Metaphysics 9, 2 Aristotle establishes the distinction between rational and nonrational powers and explains their difference in terms of their being ad opposita and ad unum, respectively. In his interpretation Scotus concludes that the most basic division between active principles is the difference between nature and will, rather than the difference between univocal and equivocal agents. Thus, the (...)
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    Lecturas modernas del espíritu de san Agustín.Adolfo Muñoz-Alonso - 1927 - Augustinus 17 (67):225-232.
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    Educational Programs to Promote Social Entrepreneurship: Development of Human and Community Skills in Real Environments.Gustavo Adolfo Santana Sardi, Néstor Vicente Mendoza Ledesma, María Luz Gonzales Díaz & Fabian Alveiro Contreras Medina - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:146-155.
    This quantitative study investigates the impact of educational programs designed to foster social entrepreneurship on the development of human and community skills. Data were collected from 150 university students in Latin America, who participated in social entrepreneurship programs during the 2022-2023 academic cycle. Through structured surveys, key competencies such as leadership, empathy, problem-solving and teamwork were assessed. The results show that educational programs that integrate social entrepreneurship have a significant impact on the development of skills that not only benefit students (...)
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  22. Fanatismo y misticismo (su valor social) y otros ensayos.Adolfo Menéndez Y. Samará - 1940 - [México]: La Casa de España en México.
    Fanatismo y misticismo.--Nietzsche y Calicles.--Nuestro sentido del ridículo.--El surrealismo.
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    Teoría del delito y garantías constitucionales.Maximiliano Adolfo Rusconi - 2009 - Buenos Aires, República Argentina: Ad-Hoc. Edited by Mariano Kierszenbaum.
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    Remote teaching practices and learning support during COVID-19 lockdowns in Portugal: Were there changes across time?Diana Alves, Sofia Marques, Joana Cruz, Sofia Abreu Mendes & Irene Cadime - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic challenged countries, regions, schools, and individuals. School closures due to lockdowns forced changes in the teaching practices and the learning support provided to children at home. This study aimed to provide insights on the changes between the first and the second lockdowns in Portugal, concerning remote teaching practices and family support to children's education. A self-report questionnaire was filled by 144 parents of third grade students. The results show that, between the two lockdowns, there was a significant (...)
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    Causalidad, naturaleza y libertad en el tránsito de la Baja Edad Media a la Modernidad.Cruz González-Ayesta - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico:9-23.
    Esta introducción presenta la contraposición entre causa natural y causa libre. En primer lugar, se muestra que el modo moderno de comprender y oponer lo natural (como fuerza de efi ciencia) a lo libre (como racionalidad) hunde sus raíces en el pensamiento de J. Duns Escoto. A continuación se plantea la hipótesis de la continuidad entre el pensamiento de Escoto y la Modernidad a través de la mediación de la Segunda Escolástica. Por último, se presta atención al pensamiento de Suárez (...)
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    Ciudad penitenciaria: necropolítica y las formas audiovisuales del Noir Lumpen Latinoamericano.José Miguel Santa Cruz Grau - 2021 - Aisthesis 69.
    Este artículo analiza un grupo de producciones audiovisuales latinoamericanas a la luz del problema de lo “necropolítico” de Achile Mbembe. Estas películas y series de televisión se han producido desde los años noventa del siglo xx hasta la actualidad, y tienen como universo temático el mundo delincuencial de ciudades latinoamericanas, corpus que he conceptualizado anteriormente dentro de la estética audiovisual como Noir Lumpen latinoamericano. Dentro de esto, nos posibilitará pensar un problema extracinematográfico: cómo las formas “necropolíticas” son el régimen biopolítico (...)
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    Might Interjections Encode Concepts? More Questions than Answers.Manuel Cruz - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (2):241-270.
    Might Interjections Encode Concepts? More Questions than Answers This paper reflects on the conceptual nature of interjections. Although there are convincing reasons to claim that interjections do not encode concepts, arguments can be adduced to question such claim. In fact, some pragmatists have contended that they may be conceptual elements. After reviewing both the non-conceptualist and conceptualist approaches to interjections, this paper discusses some reasons that can be given to reconsider the conceptuality of interjections. Nevertheless, it adopts an intermediate standpoint (...)
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    Dialogia na persuasão "publicitária".Maria Helena Cruz Pistori - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (1):148-167.
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    Antología filosófica argentina del siglo XX.Juan Adolfo Vázquez - 1965 - Buenos Aires,: EUDEBA.
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    Tabula rasa.Danilo Cruz Vélez - 1991 - Bogotá, D.E.: Planeta.
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  31. Catálogo crítico de publicaciones recientes.Juan Adolfo Vázquez - 1959 - Philosophia (Misc.) 22:73.
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  32. Una edición del libro X de La República.Juan Adolfo Vázquez - 1959 - Philosophia (Misc.) 22:50.
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    (1 other version)Mindreading: Mental state ascription and cognitive architecture.Joseph L. H. Cruz - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (3):323-340.
    The debate between the theory-theory and simulation has largely ignored issues of cognitive architecture. In the philosophy of psychology, cognition as symbol manipulation is the orthodoxy. The challenge from connectionism, however, has attracted vigorous and renewed interest. In this paper I adopt connectionism as the antecedent of a conditional: If connectionism is the correct account of cognitive architecture, then the simulation theory should be preferred over the theory-theory. I use both developmental evidence and constraints on explanation in psychology to support (...)
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    Behavioral and ERP Correlates of Long-Term Physical and Mental Training on a Demanding Switch Task.Pablo I. Burgos, Gabriela Cruz, Teresa Hawkes, Ignacia Rojas-Sepúlveda & Marjorie Woollacott - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Physical and mental training are associated with positive effects on executive functions throughout the lifespan. However, evidence of the benefits of combined physical and mental regimes over a sedentary lifestyle remain sparse. The goal of this study was to investigate potential mechanisms, from a source-resolved event-related-potential perspective, that could explain how practicing long-term physical and mental exercise can benefit neural processing during the execution of an attention switching task. Fifty-three healthy community volunteers who self-reported long-term practice of Tai Chi, meditation (...)
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    Las bases ontológicas del conflicto intersubjetivo.José Adolfo Arias Muñoz - 1980 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 15:11-54.
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    La fenomenología hoy y la fenomenología en España (El Primer Congreso Nacional de Fenomenología).José Adolfo Arias Muñoz - 1984 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 4:197-202.
    The purpose of this article is to describe the process through one person or individuals from a particular group applies violence –psychological or physical– to another person in a small dosage with the intention of unbalancing and making him to be uncertain about his owns thoughts and affections. By this way such person destroys, denies and erases the another ones identity. This behaviour has as objec- tive to get that the victim can not to think or understand in order to (...)
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    Las líneas hermeneúticas de la recepción del pensamiento hesserliano en la lengua española (1913-1989).José Adolfo Arias Muñoz - 1990 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 8:41-86.
    The article analizes the several times of Proclus‘s reception by Nicholas of Cusa’s thought. The direct reading of Proclus can be established because Expositio in Parmenidem Platonis –Cod.Cus. 186– and Elementatio theological –Cod.Cus.195– (Moerbeke’s translation) and De theologia Platonis Libri VI –Cod.Cus.185– (Petrus Balbus’s translation) are in his Library in Bernkastel-Kues with his marginalia. The assimilation of doctrines can be considered assuming that the implicits and explicits references to Plato’s Diadochus, especially in the last works.
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    ¿Promesas inacabadas, obligaciones incumplidas? A propósito del paramilitarismo, las sentencias de la Corte Interamericana, el sistema legal de la JEP y las obligaciones internacionales de Colombia.Gustavo Adolfo Chingual Ortiz & Rolando Víctor Guerrero Tanganán - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
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  39. Dimensiones del ser del hombre.Danilo Cruz VÉlez - 1983 - Escritos de Filosofía 6 (12):29-36.
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    Naloxone reduces fluid consumption: Relationship of this effect to conditioned taste aversion and morphine dependence.Ming-Fung Wu, Sara E. Cruz-Morales, Jay R. Quinan, June M. Stapleton & Larry D. Reid - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (5):323-325.
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    Displacement and gratitude: accounting for the political obligation of refugees.Jason D'Cruz - 2014 - Ethics and Global Politics 7 (1):1-17.
    On what basis, and to what extent, are refugees obligated to obey the laws of their host countries? Consideration of the specific case of asylum-seekers generates, I think, two competing intuitions: the refugee has a prima facie obligation to obey the laws of her host country and none of the popularly canvassed substrates of political obligation—consent, tacit consent, fairness, or social role—is at all apt to explain the presence of this obligation. I contend that the unfashionable gratitude account of political (...)
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  42. (1 other version)La modalidad en el lenguaje natural: Consideraciones lógicas y pragmaticas.Begoña Vicente Cruz & Pablo Rodriguez Gutierrez - 1996 - Theoria 11 (26):147-162.
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  43. Lo animal: Figura de la fatalidad en el woyzeck de büchner.Francisco Cruz - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:79-90.
    El ensayo ofrece una lectura de la tragedia Woyzeck, del dramaturgo alemán del siglo XIX Georg Büchner. Se intenta mostrar que la obra de ficción constituye una suerte de antípoda respecto de su fuente de inspiración: el informe psiquiátrico que precipitó la condena del sujeto histórico que da título al drama. En esta perspectiva, se propone como clave de lectura el complejo de variaciones que aporta la obra en torno al tópico o la figura de la animalidad como fuerza neutra, (...)
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  44. Estrategias de políticas públicas para el desarrollo sustentable, una visión crítica//Public policy strategies for sustainable development, a critical vision.Bruno Cruz Petit - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (3).
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    El historicismo: ciencia social y filosofía.Manuel Cruz - 1981 - Barcelona: Montesinos.
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    Feeling and Freedom: The Medical Model from a Moral Standpoint.Cora Cruz - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):76.
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  47. Introduction.Vivian Cruz, Alessio Plebe & Vivian M. De La Cruz - 2016 - In Vivian Cruz & Alessio Plebe (eds.), Neurosemantics: Neural Processes and the Construction of Linguistic Meaning. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Intelecto, razón y entendimiento.Juan Cruz Cruz - 1976 - Anuario Filosófico 9 (1):73-107.
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    Los Comuneros: un apunte histórico.Luz María Cruz de Galindo - 2000 - Arbor 165 (652):731-745.
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    La estructuración de la filosofía positiva de Schelling.Juan Cruz Cruz - 1977 - Anuario Filosófico 10 (2):193-198.
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